Dear Ann, The package you sent arrived and the postman handed it to me. After looking and listening to CD#1 on the PC (the first video and some of the music) words cannot describe the impact on my soul, so I'll just describe how I looked. Tears streaming down my cheeks, breathing fast, heart pounding, unable to speak. Thank you for making this precious copy of moments in time. More later, I cannot think properly. --- Ron Giffin, Montana USA |
Excellent 1975 recording by Bruce Kell of Dadaji's song "Ramaiva Sharanam" being sung at Utsav in Calcutta. Music score & lyrics More audio tracks |
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DADAJI In the late 1970's Dadaji said, "Now I will go to USA". His travel arrangements were made for hi first trip to the states and he continued to travel abroad for many years thereafter until his last trip in 1990. "His Fragrance" offers 108 of Dadaji's sayings on a wide variety of topics. The simplicity and depth of Dadaji's comments will not disappoint. With permission of the author, we are honored to provide you with "His Fragrance" to download and enjoy in the years to come. |
108 quotes from Dadaji
1 God is the easiest, the nearest, the dearest.
2 Don't worry, for worry makes you the doer.
3 Do not hanker after anything but Him.
4 You can't hanker after things and realize God.
5 Do not forget, we cannot be separated.
6 I am in you, you are in me. Do not forget that together we
are in Him. We cannot be separated.
7 No person can be a Guru. Each person has within Guru.
8 Want nothing, get everything. Have Him, have everything.
Have everything and not Him, you have nothing.
9 Anyone who tells you they can take you to God, is simply not
telling the truth.
10 You can make your business God. Don't make a business out
of God.
11 Meditation, asceticism, solitude are self centered behaviors.
12 Remember Him, do your duty, enjoy.
13 Everything other than remembering Him is useless
distracting nonsense -- Only one thing -- to realize Him.
14 Even Yoga and meditation and bhajan can be
distractions -- don't believe anyone.
15 If you (do puja) are devoted to only one form of Deity, you
are tightening the bonds of maya (illusion).
16 God does not fill, but instead takes away craving for
material and sensual needs.
17 Don't look to Gurus, and Yogis and Babas and Saints. Look
18 This time of the body is temporary, we are actors and are
paid according to our performance.
19 God says, don't understand Me -- "Remember."
20 God's Name is the only yoga. Remember Him -- it is enough.
21 All paths to God other than Name are of the mind.
22 You can't realize God intellectually, until He has been
realized of the Spirit.
23 Remove intellectual obstacles to Truth. The question is
always in error, the answer is always in error.
24 The symbols outside are of what is truly within-even remove
the symbols.
25 His name is your own real being -- you are His Temple.
26 Nothing to discard or acquire. Take Nam and all will take
care of itself.
27 Theory of negation is absolutely wrong. Positive thinking
is absolutely wrong. Life is both negative and positive to
bring about creative results.
28 The truth reveals through Prem -- "Love".
29 Truth is your only companion in this life and even after.
30 In remembering God and realizing His Love, there is no room
for mental and physical acrobatics.
31 Just perform the duties with which you are entrusted,
sincerely, faith-fully, accepting His will.
32 Recite Mahanam casually, in the midst of your daily life.
The rest leave to Him, the Doer.
33 God is the sound of your heartbeat, making love 24 hours
each day.
34 When (He) your heartbeat leaves the body -- it becomes
35 If devoted to God, you can have anything you want as long
as He wants you to have it. This is Grace. If not devoted,
you can have anything you want whether it is good for you or
36 God's name is constantly being chanted within you, but you
can't hear it.
37 About God be careful.
38 You can't fool Him. Sometimes He lets you think you are
fooling Him, in order to make a fool of yourself.
39 Unhappiness is a part of the ego. Beyond it no such thing
40 In worship (puja), the worshiper and the worshiped are
identical. When you have realized, He comes and worships, you
as Himself.
41 Taking Name is the easiest way to love God.
42 Raise God from your heart, and make the mind the conscious
dwelling place of God.
43 Work itself is God, if it works of itself and you are a
passive spectator.
44 He decides the right time for an elevation to higher
45 What need is there to succeed, other than to walk on the
level road of God? Even without a road, without anything but
46 God has no enemies.
47 Give up all outer appearances of religious attitude, to
realize Him.
48 Is God in me, or am I in God? I am so filled with Him, I
can no longer differentiate.
49 Trust in Him with all your heart and mind, and lean not on
your own understanding.
50 Rationalization is a mental technique which allows you to
lie or cheat without feeling guilty.
51 The ways to God being marketed today are bluff, or merely
52 Mantra can not be whispered in your ear, no person can
initiate you into God. This is all humbugism and
53 You are not a channel; you have come in His Name, with His
Name and Love.
54 I have come with Him. He has come with me. I am not even
a guide.
55 Why a need for temples and ashrams? The whole world is His
56 It doesn't make any difference whether you understand or
you don't. Most are incapable of understanding, Have blind
faith in his Name.
57 God does not punish. He educates.
58 In God, there is no such word as "partly."
59 To realize Him is the only love.
60 As soon as you say, I am the Guru, I am the doer, you are
an egoist.
61 The body and mind (prakriti) do not feed the spirit
(purusha). It goes the other way.
62 Eating, drinking, sex, these are things of the body. Let
the mind and body agree.
63 Do not force anything. Let in all happen naturally.
64 We have come into the world to taste and enjoy Him. Let us
become His disciple, not the worldly Gurus.
65 When those who sell God, realize God, they will be out of
66 Do not run after God. Do not run before Him. Walk with
67 I love you because you are a lover of the Almighty.
68 The realized know the realized.
69 There is a big difference between His permission and His
70 God is not religious. He cares not for Christians, Jews,
Buddhists, Moslems, Sikhs, Hindus. He loves and blesses the
atheist also.
71 I want only Him as my lover. God is the only lover; why
settle for less?
72 Human love is fickle and fragile and imbued with egoism.
Remember him, his love is pure, everlasting.
73 In the scriptures, when it is written, "I shall come
again," it means the fragrance of God appears in our hearts
74 You cannot realize God. God realizes himself when you no
longer need anything.
75 Mahanam slowly purifies you in love, if the floodgates of
your heart are flung open.
76 Being a saint or a monk has not at do with God, but
acceptance by tradition.
77 You can't learn about yourself except in experience.
78 We must come to a place, where there are no Vedas, no Gita,
no Bible. We above all should be the path that suits us all
79 Even for a few moments, forget where you are, who you are,
and you will remember who you really are.
80 So many are unhappy and in mourning for their lives.
81 Death of the body is natural to the old. Don't interfere,
they should find comfort in it.
82 Just to have a human form is already a great joy. To know
there is only God to look forward to is an incomparable joy.
83 Better than praising the good and condemning the wicked is
to seek God.
84 You reach a Divine orgasm when you are re-united with
85 We are like bed sheets, one red, one blue, one black, all
the same cotton: one beautiful, another ugly, a third holy and
a fourth seeming wicked, but the Divine dwells within all of
86 Nobody who has realized Him, is ever bored with life.
87 Remember Him, do what you do, not any other way around.
88 His secret footprints, His secret fragrance, His secret
music to follow is in your heart and everywhere.
89 If you are one with Him, your are the temple, the world is
the ashram. Why go around collecting money for God? All the
money is His. He needs nothing.
90 Why the temples, churches and ashrams? No scriptures ask
for them. They are the business of men, exploiters.
91 Everyone is getting their karmic share of Truth.
92 We have to forget ourselves completely, in order to
remember Him.
93 If you remember Him, the lives of those around you will be
enriched, more joyful, more realized.
94 We cannot compete with or question the Almighty.
95 It is absurd to ask how fire burns or water quenches thirst
or why it freezes.
96 What seems like chance or luck is really God.
97 Wisdom is knowing you are only an actor. Ignorance is when
one thinks he is not.
98 When the man and woman in you (Adam and Eve, Radha and
Krishna) are at peace with one another, they cease to exist and
become the Garden of Eden (Brindavan).
99 Seek God, not away from Life, but in Life itself.
100 Penance is necessary for existence in this world, but not
for Him.
101 Unless you are shorn of your ego and are beyond your mind,
you cannot be in tune with Him.
102 He is you, and your existence is the way to Him.
103 Man can do magic only God can do a miracle.
104 Be of good cheer, you have nothing to get. Everything
that is, is within.
105 Find God's name in your hear and repeat it constantly.
106 Name is God. Truth is One. Mankind is One. Language is
One. Truth, Self and God are identical.
107 Human being is essentially God, and our birth is to taste
that Divine Bliss in every second of our existence, with Love.
108 Dadaji is nobody; neither agent nor and instrument. The
Supreme Will can make anything possible.
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